I did it! I reached a point of major resistance! Yes, I am celebrating reaching a point of resistance. I’m doing so because why thhe heck not.

My initial thought as the feeling of wanting to stop was emerging was, “start writing in the blog instead” . This is a major point in the development process. This marks first time that I became frustrated to this point. I figured throwing some thoughts up to the blog would help get past this point. My focus is now on how to mainain this creative positivity. I’m trying to think of the best way to combat this resistance… besides the obvious just keep going. Maybe switching to a new side of the project would help? The issue with that is, my goal is to complete the tutorial stage. This will be an important part of the game as we integrate the player with the control scheme and gameplay loop. Writing about why I’m doing the thing I’m doing seems to be helping.

…this will be an important part of the game as we integrate the player with the control scheme and gameplay loop…

Lets do it… again.

# Spy-Run Back to Basics  Development Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

## [As of 5/30/2024]

### Added

	-added tablet (display area for all menus and UI elements) + functionality

		-added tablet application "alfred" (display area for basic player and game stats are displayed) + functionality

			-added "alfred power monitor" (display player's stored power level) + button functionality for generating power

			-added "alfred bitcoin monitor" (display player's store bitcoin level) + button functionality for toggle bitcoin mining

	-added tablet application "ncrypt" (display area for messages are displayed) + functionality

### Changed


### Removed


## [0.0.2] - 2024-30-05

### Added

		-added pnl_inbox (display area for inboxed messages)
		-added prfb_inbox_message_prefab (object for a single inboxed message)

### Fixed


### Changed


### Removed


## [0.0.3] - 2024-30-05