…As of now there is a tablet on the right hand side of the screen where the player will move through different programs to interact with the game. I think I should make a prefab for each program that I’m going to write on the tablet…

After losing 10 hours of work last night I re-focused and put in some work into the system controlling the tablets display. Specifically, worked on two tablet applications.

Today I am going to continue working toward finishing the tutorial stage in the game. The game flow is as followed:

Tutorial Objective: Gather one pieces of intel from your ncrypt app on your tablet. Analyze this intel to create a mission brief.

Player Path to Complete Objective: ->

1.open game ->

2.open “ncrypt” on tablet by pressing “n” ->

3.click on message in inbox ->

4.click on intel attachment in message window to download the attachment to your intel folder. ->

5.open intel storage app” -> click on the intel you want to select to add it to a intel combination system -> click the combine button to combine and analyze the **intel to create a mission brief ->

6.tutorial complete._

This will be todays task.

Spy-Run Back to Basics Development Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

[As of 5/30/2024]



	-added tablet (display area for all menus and UI elements) + functionality

-added tablet application "alfred" (display area for basic player and game stats are displayed) + functionality

	-added "alfred power monitor" (display player's stored power level) + functionality

	-added "alfred bitcoin monitor" (display player's store bitcoin level) + functionality

-added tablet application "ncrypt" (display area for messages are displayed) + functionality





[0.0.2] - 2024-30-05







[0.0.3] - 2024-30-05